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Balsamic Vinegar – Roberto Veneziani

Freshly made from Italian Mosto, Roberto Veneziani balsamic vinegar is sweet and tasty which goes well as your salad or risotto dressing

Balsamic vinegar is a great sweet and sour condiment that can be used for salads, cheeses, and meats as well as on vanilla ice cream and fresh fruit.

It can be made in many different ways – the Roberto Veneziani Balsamic Vinegar is made from cooked grape must and wine vinegar, and is aged for shorter undefined periods.

At Roberto Veneziani, we attentively select only whole authentic balsamic vinegars that are made with the use of time, patience and knowledge.

Balsamic vinegar enhances the flavor of the dish without adding sugar or salt to the meal. Balsamic vinegar is often used to aid in digestion and reduce the risk of heart disease and other diseases.